Our subconscious communicates with us in such weird ways, with one being what we notice or find first in our surroundings. One such instance is how we perceive colors. Colors are well-known to trigger emotional responses and hold deep psychological significance. They often mirror our inner struggles and repressed emotions.
When asked to identify the first three colors you see in a specific image, your choices tell a story, revealing hidden truths about where your emotional state of mind is at and what your concerns may be. Let’s take a dive right in and see what they signify and how these colors reflect what your deeper emotional state is truly in.
Red – Intense Emotions and Unresolved Anger

If the first color you spotted was red, you may be experiencing some immensely suppressed anger, frustration, or resentment. The fiery color represents unresolved conflicts, and internal battles – especially those of expression and restraint. This could indicate that you’re holding on to past grievances or occurrences that left a long-lasting, lingering impact.
To regain your inner peace, you need to seek a healthy way to help release your tension. Be it through physical activity, honest communication, or creative outlets, it’s important to find focus. As the saying goes, “Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.”
Blue – Overwhelming Sadness and Loneliness

When one spots blue, that could be an indication of sadness and isolation. There could also be an overwhelming desire for calmness and connection. Blue represents serenity, but can also highlight the lack thereof which reflects possible emotional struggles tied to one’s personal relationships or even lie’s demands.
If the color blue resonates with you, you may want to seek out deeper connections or work on opening up about your feelings. As Brene Brown puts it, “Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they’re never weakness.”
Yellow – Anxiety and Fear of Uncertainty

Often seen as a cheerful, happy color, yellow could actually indicate underlying anxiety and fear of the unknown. I you spotted this color first, you might be suffering from self-doubt, overthinking, or even uncertainty in life about major decisions you may need to make.
If yellow was one of the colors you spotted, it may be time to pause a little and embrace the optimism that may be surrounded by chaos. As Albert Einstein once remarked, “In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.”
Green – Emotional Healing and Inner Conflict

When green captures your eye, it could signify a journey of emotional healing, possibly personal growth. Green symbolizes renewal and balance, but it could also indicate inner conflicts that may be lingering. These could be related to relationships or self-acceptance.
if you’re feeling stuck between progress and past wounds, it’s time to take heart. It’s important to remember that healing is never linear and you may need to allow yourself the time needed to give yourself grace because time can often make the difference in your journey.
Black – Deep-Seated Fears and Emotional Burdens

Seeing the color black first could indicate a severe weight of unresolved fears and emotional burdens. Black is often linked to feelings of trauma or uncertainty. It reflects our subconscious shadows that we may be trying to avoid confronting.
Even though it feels easier to suppress these emotions, true clarity comes from within, facing your shadows head-on. As Carl Jung wisely stated, “One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”
White – Need for Clarity and Emotional Reset

When white is the first color you notice, you may be yearning for clarity or possibly a fresh start. White represents peace and simplicity. This may mean that you’re feeling overwhelmed by the complexities in your life and you may be seeking an emotional reset.
It may be time to take a step back to self-reflect and declutter your physical space and mind. You may also want to seek out or rearrange your priorities in a way that allows you to find the true serenity you clearly need. take this time, be selfish, and focus on yourself.
Purple – Suppressed Creativity and Emotional Depth

Spotting the color purple first could reveal your unexpressed creativity and the deep emotions connected, waiting for exploration. Purple resonates with introspection, imagination, and passion. This often means that your desires are being repressed, holding back your true self-expression.
By engaging in creative activities, and even exploring your emotional depth a little more, you may find yourself reconnecting with your most authentic self. “The creative adult is the child who survived,” is a powerful quote that reminds us to embrace our inner artist.
Orange – Passion and Restlessness

Orange represents your inner fire, ambition, and passions. This energy may however be tainted with restlessness or dissatisfaction in your current circumstances – be it in your relationship, workplace, or in general. Feeling stuck or unable to make moves here is a common occurrence.
This is your opportunity to channel your true enthusiasm and pursue that which aligns with your goals. It’s time to embrace potential opportunities with a new sense of confidence. As Steve Jobs famously said, “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.”