After swimming, her daughter called her “Fat,” and the internet loves her response

Being called “Fat” is an offensive slur. So why is that, exactly?

Everyone was left wondering what actually happened after a mother of two called Allison shared her account of what happened while she and her children were swimming recently on Instagram. When the 3-year-old daughter dubbed Allison “obese,” Allison reacted beautifully, and her retort is being widely shared online.

When Allison Kimmey was barely 14 years old, she started dieting. She managed to maintain a size two to four body throughout graduate school, but it was difficult and she wasn’t happy. Allison realized she’d be more happier if she allowed herself to stop battling her weight gain when she reached size eight three years ago, at the age of 27.

In order to motivate herself, Allison started the @allisonkimmey Instagram account, where she publishes pictures and quotes. Although Allison’s message of body acceptance inspires and uplifts those who hear it, not everyone does.

Recently, Allison took her son and daughter to the pool. When it was time to depart, Allison’s child shouted at her and called her fat. Allison shared on Instagram that

Me: “Exactly what were you saying about me?”