He was titled the ‘world’s dirtiest man’ after having not bathed in 67 years…

There are billions of people in this world and most of them live lives that are so vastly different than ours that it can be hard to imagine. This is one such story, the story of a man who lived life very differently.

Keep reading to learn more.

Taking a shower or bathing is something that carries across cultures for most people. While people disagree with how many times a week one should shower, the idea that it is something that should happen regularly remains the same.


He lived to be a whopping 94 years old, and people agreed that despite his questionable hygiene, he seemed pretty healthy throughout his years.

While it was speculated that the old timer had a fear of water, it was not the case when it came to drinking it. He was said to have drank up to 5 liters a day from a dirty tin can.

As for his diet, he preferred to scavenge for his own food. While people offered him fresh food, he would routinely choose to go and find his own. He even said he preferred roadkill, his favorite being porcupine. He was rumored to eat the roadkill he found completely raw, no matter how rotten or old the meat seemed.


He also had a pipe in which he smoked animal dung. He was also rumored to be a fan of cigarettes and was once pictured smoking multiple of them at a time.

While he had questionable hygiene and a concerning diet, he was reportedly healthy despite all of that. In fact, he died at the age of 94 years old, a few months after villagers had managed to convince him to take a bath.

Dr. Gholamreza Molavi at Tehran University of Medical Sciences School of Public Health had conducted tests on the old man before he passed away. Surprisingly, they found that he had good health despite his lifestyle.